Hazel Store
Signature Style Name Necklace
Signature Style Name Necklace
Treat yourself or someone special to the ideal personalized name necklace! Our signature style name necklace is certain to be a favorite. The capital letters are bold, with lovely flourishes. The lowercase lettering provides delicate contrast, and the chain is attached to both sides of the pendant, creating a balanced presentation that’s absolutely lovely. This pretty pendant is easy to personalize. Simply choose a name, nickname, or special word for the inscription. Once you decide how you’d like to customize your pendant, our artisans will take care of all the details, creating the perfect accessory for yourself, a friend, or a loved one.
Care Instructions: To maintain its brilliance, gently clean your necklace with a soft cloth and store it in a jewelry box when not in use. Avoid exposure to harsh chemicals and clean it regularly to retain its shine.